Ohio Lawyers Assisting with Workers’ Comp Management
Our attorneys can help your business manage and evaluate claims
While the Ohio workers’ compensation system is designed to avoid unnecessary court litigation, effectively managing claims requires many of the same skills. Numerous statutes and regulations govern even the routine administration of claims. Leaving these complex issues to your administrative staff without proper guidance can lead to mistakes, miscalculations and noncompliance, all of which can be costly for your business. Our attorneys at Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. understand the issues that employers in Ohio face. That is why we make our experience and insight available to our clients, providing counsel regarding workers’ compensation claims administration and case evaluation.
Workers’ compensation claims administration services
To facilitate prompt payment for injured workers, Ohio workers’ compensation laws subject employers and claims administrators to numerous requirements and restrictions. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is very serious about these requirements and frequently audits employers to ensure compliance with:
Whether your business is hiring for the first time, you want to adjust your claims administration process to remedy past issues, or you want to bring your system up to date with the latest changes in your business and in the law, Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. can help. Our employment law attorneys can provide you and your administrative team with the legal advice necessary to build an efficient, compliant and effective claims administration process.
Workers’ compensation case evaluation for Ohio employers
Picking your battles can be crucial when processing workers’ compensation claims. Unfortunately, many employers resort to guesswork in initial claims evaluation and do not seek a legal opinion until the claim goes to litigation. This can lead to unnecessary legal costs. By evaluating potential outcomes and likely litigation costs, your business can make more judicious use of the workers’ comp litigation process.
Our experienced attorneys can provide your staff with insight when evaluating difficult workers’ compensation claims and advise you as to what claims are worth fighting, what claims you are likely to lose and what claims cost more to litigate than they are worth. Having this information early in the process can help your business avoid unnecessary litigation while still maintaining accountability in your workforce.
How our Ohio workers’ compensation attorneys can help
Workers’ compensation is one of many ancillary issues Ohio employers must confront on a daily basis. Having one of our workers’ compensation attorneys assist with supervising administration and reviewing claims can decrease the likelihood of costly mistakes and allow you and your staff to concentrate on other matters. Moreover, judicious litigation of workers’ compensation claims can save money and discourage employee fraud and inflation of injuries. Your business can count on our experienced team of attorneys to take the guesswork out of workers’ compensation administration and help your business avoid unnecessary costs and legal issues.
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. can help you manage workers’ compensation operations