Oftentimes, a commercial lease (as well as other real estate contracts) will contain a “Waiver of Subrogation,” but few landlords, tenants and other parties realize the importance of such provision and how a waiver of subrogation can help manage and allocate potential risk. Subrogation is “[t]he principle under which an insurer that has paid a loss under an insurance policy is entitled to all the rights and remedies belonging to the insured against a third party with respect to any loss covered by the policy.”[1] In other words, if one party suffers a loss, and such loss is covered by …
Ashley Warwar Joins the Firm’s Estate Planning and Tax Department
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce that Ashley Warwar has joined the firm as an associate in its Estate Planning and Tax Department. Ashley will focus her practice in the areas of estate planning, trust, probate and tax. She was admitted to the Ohio Bar in October of this year. “We are pleased to have Ashley join our team – she brings with her an excellent background and will be of great assistance to our ever-growing practice,” said Chad Hansen, Chair of the firm’s Estate Planning and Tax Department. Ashley previously worked at the firm as a summer …
New Attorney Erica Glass Joins Coolidge’s Estate Planning and Tax Department
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce that Erica Glass has joined the firm as Of Counsel in its Estate Planning and Tax Department. Erica focuses her practice on estate planning and administration. She has extensive experience helping families plan for the future and helping them navigate the steps that need to be taken after a loved one passes away. Her experience also includes estate and gift tax preparation and administering guardianships. “We are excited that Erica has rejoined the firm,” said Chad Hansen, Chair of the firm’s Estate Planning and Tax Department. “She brings more depth of service …
Two Coolidge Attorneys Receive “Lawyer of the Year” Recognition
Two Coolidge Wall attorneys recently received recognition by Best Lawyers® as “Lawyer of the Year” in Dayton in their specific practice areas. Shannon L. Costello was named Best Lawyers® 2019 Litigation-Real Estate Lawyer of the Year in Dayton. Chad D. Hansen was named Best Lawyers® 2019 Tax Law Lawyer of the Year in Dayton. Congratulations to these and all of our firm’s very accomplished attorneys.
Election Day and the Workplace: Issues for Ohio Employers
Robert Frost once advised, “Thinking isn’t to agree or disagree. That’s voting.” One question that HR professionals are thinking of every election season is, “Do we need to provide employees time to vote?” In Ohio, the answer is likely yes. Ohio Revised Code Section 3599.06 provides that no employer shall discharge or threaten to discharge an elector for taking “a reasonable amount of time to vote on election day.” Ohio employers are prohibited from interfering with, discriminating, or retaliating against an employee who seeks to vote or serve as an election official on Election Day. Does this require employees leaving …
IRS Announces 2019 Pension Plan Limitations
On November 1, 2018, the IRS announced cost-of-living adjustments for 2019 retirement plan contributions. For 2019, the amounts that individuals will be able to contribute to retirement plans will increase from $18,500 to $19,000. However, the catch-up contribution limit for employees age 50 and over will remain unchanged at $6,000. This chart summarizes the limitations for 2019: Contribution Limits 2019 2018 Elective Deferral Limit – 401(k), 403(b) and 457(b) Plans $19,000 $18,500 Catch-Up Contribution Limit $6,000 $6,000 Elective Deferral Limit – SIMPLE Retirement Plan $13,000 $12,500 Catch-Up Contribution Limit – SIMPLE Retirement Plan $3,000 $3,000 Contribution Limit – IRA $6,000 …
In Memoriam – C. Mark Kingseed, Esq.
1954-2018 The Coolidge Wall family celebrates the life of our partner and close friend, C. Mark Kingseed, who passed away on October 10, 2018, following an extended illness. We will miss Mark’s keen wit, brilliant mind, and boundless energy. In a field that can reward big personalities and bigger egos, Mark chose a different path: he was a paragon of common sense, decency, and humility, never caving in to pressure with a cross word or a compromised strategy. Mark started his career jetting around the country for NCR, putting out union fires (sometimes literally) during the company’s heyday in Dayton. …
Ohio Proposes Tax Credit for Investments in Opportunity Zones
Background In December 2017, Congress’s passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created Qualified Opportunity Zones (“Opportunity Zones”). In general, a taxpayer who invests in an Opportunity Zone can defer capital gain taxes and potentially reduce his capital gain by receiving a 10% to 15% increase in basis, in addition to paying no tax on any appreciation of the investment in the Opportunity Zone. Click here to find a more detailed discussion of Opportunity Zones. Ohio’s House Bill 727 On August 29th, the Ohio General Assembly introduced House Bill 727 (“HB 727”), which seeks to further incentivize investments in …
DOL Publishes New FMLA Forms
Links to the new forms are below, or visit the DOL website to browse them at this DOL web page. Notices (pdf format) WH-381 Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities WH-382 Designation Notice Certification forms (pdf format) WH-380-E Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition WH-380-F Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition WH-384 Certification of Qualifying Exigency For Military Family Leave WH-385 Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Current Servicemember – for Military Family Leave WH-385-V Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of a Veteran for Military Caregiver Leave Links …
Sports Betting: Coming to a City Near You
Last May, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the federal Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (“PASPA”) was unconstitutional.[1] PASPA was enacted to prohibit state-sanctioned sports betting and effectively outlawed sports betting outside of Nevada (which was given an exemption). As a result, sports fans often turned to black market bookmakers to place wagers on their favorite sports teams. The Supreme Court reasoned that PASPA’s prohibition on state-sanctioned sports betting violated the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court’s decision did not legalize sports betting nationwide. Instead, the Supreme Court simply held that each …