As President of Hollinger Tennis Center, attorney Dan Gentry was present at the July 4th celebration and renaming of the tennis facilities, now known as the “City of Oakwood Hollinger Memorial Tennis Center.” The rededication and new name reflect the new partnership between the City and the nonprofit Club, which celebrates seventy years of operation this year. “By partnering with the City of Oakwood, we hope to expand membership and continue to improve our tennis facilities, which are acknowledged to be the best clay courts in the area,” said Gentry. “We welcome and appreciate the City’s efforts to integrate the …
Firm Hosts Court Camp Students
On Tuesday, June 27, 2017, Coolidge Wall hosted a group of 19 students as part of the Montgomery County Court Camp Program. Most of the students are first generation college bound and serve in a government club or mock trial program at the school. Coolidge Wall attorneys Bud Seall, Chris Conard, Pat Friesinger, and Chip Herin participated in a session moderated by Coolidge Wall’s coordinator, David Pierce. Afterwards, the students toured the Firm’s offices before returning back to the Courthouse. It is our sincere hope that we helped these students on their journey to success.
Pierce Becomes First Vice President of DBA
On Friday, June 9, 2017, David Pierce was sworn in as First Vice-President of the Dayton Bar Association by Judge Jeffrey Froelich at the DBA’s annual meeting.
Stanley Appointed to Dayton Women’s Board
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is proud to annouce that Lu Ann Stanley has been appointed to the Women’s Board, an auxiliary of Dayton Children’s Hospital. The Women’s Board is a volunteer organization of approximately 40 women representing counties throughout the Dayton region from various professional and community volunteer backgrounds. The Women’s Board’s primary fundraiser is the biennial cha|cha dinner and silent auction. In 2017, cha|cha raised over $500,000 in support of a new transformative nurse call system that places Dayton Children’s Hospital among some of the country’s leading children’s hospitals. Ms. Stanley is a member of the Estate Planning and …
David Pierce and Other Dayton Bar Association Officers Participate in ABA Bar Leadership Institute
Joining over 300 other emerging leaders of lawyer organizations from across the country at the American Bar Association’s Bar Leadership Institute (BLI), March 15-17 were Brian L. Wildermuth, President-Elect and David P. Pierce, Second Vice President of the DBA. The BLI takes place annually in Chicago. It offers incoming officials of local and state bars, special focus lawyer organizations and bar foundations the opportunity to confer with ABA officials, bar leader colleagues, executive staff and other experts on the operation of such Associations. Wildermuth and Pierce joined ABA President Linda A. Klein, and ABA President-Elect Hilarie Bass, in sessions on …
Talda and Gentry To Give Presentation to DBA Corporate Counsel
Coolidge attorneys Richard Talda and Dan Gentry will be giving a presentation to the Corporate Counsel of the Dayton Bar Association on April 27. Their talk, “Caveat Emptor: Arbitration Insights — It May Cost More Than You Think,” will examine the preference under both Federal and Ohio law for enforcing arbitration agreements; the intended benefits for arbitration; and how well arbitration delivers on those intended benefits versus resolving disputes in traditional court proceedings.
Fleischauer and Bach Speak at Dayton Area Chamber HR Forum
Coolidge Wall attorneys Marc Fleischauer and Michelle Bach co-presented at the annual Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Human Resources Forum held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on Thursday, March 23, 2017, with more than 75 HR professionals in attendance. Their talk, “The Tricky Triangle of ADA, FLMA and Workers’ Compensation Absences,” covered topics related to employee leave, disability and accommodation issues under the ADA, FMLA and Workers’ Compensation law, and strategies for handling same. The event was hosted by the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce and the Miami Valley Human Resources Association and was sponsored by Coolidge Wall and Staffmark. …
Corporate Development Executive, Business Lawyer Joins Coolidge To Lead Strategic And Advisory Services Business
Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce that Douglas M. Ventura has joined the firm as President of Coolidge Strategic|Advisory Services (CSAS). Ventura will also be a member of Coolidge’s Corporate and Business Practice. As president of CSAS, Ventura will oversee this new ancillary services business, which offers business owners, investors and boards of directors a portfolio of services to develop, refine and execute long-term growth strategies. “Over the years, many of our clients have sought help developing and executing growth strategies,” said Sam Warwar, Shareholder and attorney in the firm’s Corporate and Business Department. “CSAS meets both of …
Wilberding Speaks to Lincoln Society about the Lincoln Memorial
On Sunday, March 5, 2017, Merle Wilberding was at Carillon Park where he gave a presentation to The Lincoln Society of Dayton entitled “The Lincoln Memorial.” The presentation covered the planning, construction, and dedication of the Lincoln Memorial in 1922, as well as its living history ever since. Over the years, the Lincoln Memorial has been the gateway and background to protests, performances, open dialogue and classic connections and confrontations. These events have included the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King, the many protests during the Vietnam War, and the pre-inauguration celebrations by Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama …
David Pierce and Wife Lisa Are Featured Barristers of the Month in Dayton Bar Briefs
Happy Valentine’s Day! Coolidge Wall’s David P. Pierce and his wife Lisa S. Pierce, who is also an attorney at Dinsmore & Shohl, are featured as the Barristers of the Month in the February issue of Dayton Bar Briefs. This article shares their personal and professional journey together and the life they built in the Dayton community. Read more about these lawyers in love below.