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Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Proposes Rule to Ban Noncompete Clauses

In Employment Law, Labor by David P. Pierce

On January 5, 2023, the FTC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would prohibit employers from executing noncompete agreements with paid or unpaid employees, independent contractors, interns, volunteers, and apprentices. In addition to prohibiting employers from enforcing new noncompete agreements, the proposed rule would also operate retroactively to render existing noncompete clauses unenforceable and require employers to inform employees subject to a noncompete that the noncompete is void within 45 days of the rule’s implementation. The FTC proposed rule defines noncompete clauses to mean “a contractual term between an employer and a worker that prevents the worker from seeking …

Coolidge Wall Hires New Paralegal

In News by Coolidge Wall

Firm’s Estate Planning and Probate Team Continues to Grow   Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce a new hire to the firm.  Beth Shellaberger, a seasoned paralegal, has joined Coolidge in its growing Estate Planning and Probate Department.  Her duties include drafting and filing probate documents and assisting with the transfer and distribution of assets. Shellaberger obtained her Associate of Applied Science degree from Sinclair Community College in 2016 and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Miami University of Ohio in 2006.  Prior to joining Coolidge Wall, she worked as a paralegal in the Dayton …